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Ms. Pham Thi Man - Chief Accountant JSC Vietnam Football Media (VFM) about software CADS

06/06/2013 View: 3886 Chief Accountant JSC Vietnam Football Media (VFM)
VFM has branches in Ho Chi Minh City is a company specialized in organizing international sports events large, VFM is particularly strong in the production of TV programs and sports as an official partner of broadcasters Vietnam. Along with long-term development strategy, the selection and use accounting software to serve financial governance are also special interest and attention. VFM trusted choice CADS accounting software for both corporate and branch office in Ho Chi Minh City.

CADS Accounting Accounting software is easy to learn, easy to use and especially a lot of support during the preparation of the financial statements. The technique you are extremely enthusiastic and professional in helping VFM in the settlement period as well as our support if something goes wrong software.
Happy siblings of health technicians to be able to support many more for customers like us, wish CADS increasingly prosperous.